Monday, December 20, 2010

chillin' with my sis

December 18, 2010 - @ 5pm in the afternoon, we headed to Joaquin Enriquez Memorial Sports Complex since my younger sis wanted to have an exercise by jogging. I think she is already conscious about her body figure, that's why she needs to "burn" some fats in her body. hahaha! So, I accompanied her to go there and we had some fun! I also did some 100 meter dash and then roaming around the oval. That was very exhausting but I enjoyed. My younger sis also did the same but she did 4 times as mine. Afterwards, we took some shots, had a few minutes of rest, and then we resumed our calisthenics. I also gazed upon the people having their different amusement. They played basketball, "sepak takraw", volleyball, softball, soccer, and those little kids were on their taekwondo suits had their drill in taekwondo. They were soooo cute and cuddly. 

Then, we went home @ 6pm so that I could catch up the simbang gabi which usually starts @ 7:30 pm. We were soo tired that time. Even though it was very weary, still both of us enjoyed the activity and it's nice to mingle with my younger sis.

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