Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 has been so much fun!

3 days to go…

As the year comes to an end, people are already hectic with theirselves in preparing stuffs to welcome 2011. Striding along the lane, I can already heed the gust of some firecrackers, made by the kids. The city center is filled with so many people, shopping for new-fangled items and doing their groceries. Others were having fun through hanging out with their pals and some were already done with their new year resolutions.

Speaking of new year resolutions, I feel like, I’ve got mine. Not exactly “my new year resolution”, I just want to make a bit unusual since that stuff is somewhat like “ordinary” to  all and sundry. All I wanna do is, I would like to accentuate all the essential episodes of my life in the year 2010.

I had began the reign with a life-size “sneer”. We all welcomed it together with my family, friends, and my first boyfriend. I was also enthused since 2 months from now, I’m already done studying  and soon to graduate. Within 2 months, lots of stuff had came to pass. I felt like, I couldn’t make it until graduation day since my requisites were still curtailed, particularly my cases. I came to think of different means just to completeit all. With God’s help, I was able to refined and the day came along when I graduated. I had loads of payback in our duty before and I was working so hard to it even though we were supposed to have our practice for our Pin and Ring Ceremony (for graduating nursing students only), just before our graduation. I was so blessed and grateful for the reason that I was able to finished my course. All of us were in high spirits and also my boyfriend was proud of me.

Then summer vacation passed by. During summer, I was too excited for our 1st anniversary with my first boyfriend. I was really thankful to God coz we’ve been so long enough. But, I never imagined something awful will happen the day after. Last April 29, 2010, we just ended our relationship.Throughout those days, misery enfolded me. I weeped enough for him all night and I still couldn’t accept the fact that he broke up with me. Since almost all my life was given to him and then, that would just do. 5 months has passed, was a melancholy. The pain which I felt was too sturdy and all I thought was him. As time goes by, I realized how stupid am I and I learned lots of things concerning relationships. Of course, I just wouldn’t allow myself crying all night long, chasing his silhouette and living my life despondently. Few months have passed, I learn to appreciate life without him anymore. I became much stronger than ever. I enjoyed living my life with my family and friends. And then, review class has started. I hubbed a lot into it since I’ll be taking the NLE.

I was supposed to take NLE this December, however, I wasn’t able to submit on the deadline all my requirements in PRC. My dad was very upset, not only my dad but also my mom. I made up my mind, Nursing isn’t right for me, and Fine Arts will do. I don’t care about the license, I know that doesn’t deserve me. I told them many times that I don’t want to be a nurse but they kept on ignoring me. So, the thing that happened, I mean it. It was my first time to do such thing to my parents and I feel sorry for them. But, there’s someone who recognize my feelings, someone who heartens me a lot to pursue my dream, and someone who keeps on supporting me no matter what. This someone was meant to be my “true” prince charming, that I’ve been waiting for. He just came along and he put smile on my face again. He carries away the wretchedness within me. He brought bliss into my life. He’s the reason why I feel so blessed every now and then. He’s merely an imagination but he’s true. His love for me is genuine that nobodu could do the same.

My life has been added another evocative matter. At the end of this year, God has sent me the “most” beautiful person I’ve ever met. I truly believe on this quote, “after the rain, there’s always a rainbow.” as long things were done in a fine manner, in the end everything will be alright. In this year, I’ve made a lot of blunders that brought gloom to my verve but I’ve learned hordes of things from it. I became more matured and stronger than before. I became more concious that there’s someone better than the “first” one. I learned to accept and appreciate things heartily. Since the year was started with a smile and then it ends with a smile. Even though there were many appalling things happened within this year, but in the end everything has turned up well. So far, this year is the “best”. It has lots of twist and I enjoyed every single of it. I had so much fun! I hopw there are still more waiting on 2011!

HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

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