Thursday, July 14, 2011

9 months ♥

I thank you because you listen when I speak

I thank you because you see me for who I am

and I will thank you everyday of my life

Because your Love, is one of my life's Greatest Gift :)

Happy 9 Monthsary, Baby  =)

Love Love

Deathly Hallows Part 2 " My movie Review"



Just saw Deathly Hallows part 2 and oh god.
So many epic parts and it all lasted for 130 glorious minutes. I WANT TO FIND DAVID YATES’ FACE. SO I CAN PUNCH IT AND THEN HOLD IT AND SOB.

I just watched it 3 hours ago but there’s so many fantastic parts I have no idea where to start, so this is going to be a part-ramble, part-gushing, mostly emotional sajdhsjkdhajkdjka post.

NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM BAMF-BOTTOM  Part of me that thinks if Neville was the ~chosen one~ instead of Harry [let’s just assume an AU from here onwards alright? thinking about Neville’s personality mainly, not plot loopholes] and he got some sort of love protective thing too like Harry, shit would still come together cause Neville’s just as courageous as Harry, he just needed a situation that would give him a ‘push’ of some sort.

Was the first part in gringotts when Hermione’s an absolute fail as Bellatrix supposed to be amusing?
The dragon was honestly fabulous though.

PROF. McGONAGALLHBIC dueling snape like a pro and
ahhhhhhhhh fdjakdjslkd I. LOVE. YOU.

This part was so heart-wrenching you can just FEEL your insides curling up. Godammit it was so well done.
His childhood as this cute little misunderstood kid (sidenote here but DAMN. Lily’s red hair was so blindingly gorgeous in the scene where she was lying on the ground with Snape. Don’t know it was the 3D or nerves or anxiety induced color-amplification, but it was absolutely flawless.), his conversations with Dumbledore, seeing the doe, Snape going “Always.”, him holding Lily and sobbing. EVERYTHING COULD’VE JUST KILLED ME THERE AND THEN.

More parts I love in short bulletpoints cause my English is beyond incoherent now:
  • The Hermione/Ron kiss was absolutely adorable. Just barely escaping some scary water-Salazar and without Harry interrupting them, I LOVED IT.
  • Harry saving Draco in the room of requirement. Small part, but my Harry/Draco shipper heart made some serious ugly sounds of happiness. WHEN WILL A GOOD QUALITY VERSION OF THE MOVIE BE LEAKED? NEED.GIFS.NOW.
  • Luna’s the smartest little cookie ever. MY FAVOURITE RAVENCLAW. (sadly there ain’t many ravenclaws to love though trololol) 
  • Helena Ravenclaw, you are a hell of a beautiful dead person.
  • Epilogue wasn’t as cringe-worthy as I expected it to be. Luckily Albus Severus’ face was adorable but I still want to smack the name off his birth cert. Wasn’t extremely exciting, but it was a good way to end things: calmingly.
A few parts I dislike:
  • Fred, Tonks, Lupin’s death scenes were too short. I know they aren’t too memorable as characters to non-HP stans, but HP-stans absolutely love them to bits. They should’ve at least made the scene a minute or two longer.
All in all though, FANTASTIC MOVIE. I’m so relieved that the last movie in the franchise did the book justice.

Now I just need to find time to re-watch it a few hundred more times.

The end of the Era

“The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” - JK Rowling

I’m excited, devastated, happy, and nostalgic all at once. I’ve been trying and failing to think of some poignant or resonant way to sum up how I’m feeling right now. I know that by Thursday July 14 one of the most important parts of my life is ending, and I can’t help but feel like I’m saying goodbye to a close friend.

It seems a bit silly how much I’m allowing the end of a series of films to affect me, but it’s not just the end of the films that has me in this state. The Potter films are part of something bigger to me (and to a lot of other people) - the Harry Potter series has shaped me as a person.I still remember how I started the series. By 2000, the first movie just came out. My mom bought that VCD Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.At first, I thought it will be just a boring movie and I didn't watch it. Eventually, I got so bored I picked up Sorcerer’s Stone. I haven’t looked back since.

It’s hard to explain just how much of an influence the Potter novels have had over me. My values stem from Potter - my belief that loyalty, bravery, and love are the most important things in this world. They made me fall in love with reading; made me want to be a writer. They gave me courage and reminded me to live.I think one of the main reasons why this is affecting me so much, and other people in my age-range, is that we grew up with Harry Potter: I have very few memories of my life before the series. And there’s the timing. The last book came out the summer before I graduated high school, and now the last movie is coming out the summer before I graduate from college. I feel like it’s marking the end of my childhood in a way that no birthday ever could.

Potter got us reading. We were a generation of kids who were supposed to be glued to video games and television shows. Instead, we were queuing at midnight for books. Millions of kids finding a love of reading all because this amazing woman wrote a story about a scrawny kid with weird glasses. And not just reading, Potter turned us into active readers. We read and reread, looked for metaphors and foreshadowing, created elaborate and intricate theories for what we thought was going to happen in the next books. That’s something professors can’t get a lot of college students to do, but Potter had us doing it for fun in middle school. The wait and anticipation between books were two of my favorite parts of growing up with Potter. I’m incredibly nostalgic for that time, and even more grateful that I got to experience it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Trio on their UK premiere

We grew up with the series. We grew up with Daniel, Emma, Rupert and the rest of gang. Its sad to see the official books and now the movies too.
But that does not mean they’re gone forever.
Harry Potter will never end. It will forever live on in words and moving pictures. We won’t forget it, like history. HP was the first book I managed to read from beginning to end. It made me appreciate literature. It made an impact to so many people, not only me. I don’t blame them, it’s a beautifully written series. Good morals are taught such as the meaning of friendship to major themes such as death. Also, many people create imagery, musicals to now a theme park, it will never die. The magic will forever live.
To those who say “My childhood is ending”, I partially agree. As we grow up, they grew up, so it makes it really special for all us, because time followed us. I disagree a bit also because it doesn’t mean we have to give up what we love, it made an impact on all of us, each differently.
When we miss the trio or any character, you can always pick up the book or watch the movie, they won’t disappear
“Whether you come back by film or by page, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” - JK Rowling
To me HP played a big role in my childhood, and I’ll forever embrace it. If I ever have children, I’ll make sure they should read what I grew up with.
I didn’t get to watch the permiere because I’m sitting on the other side of the world but just by looking at photos and video clips, I can understand where everyone is going at. Time surely flies.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling (Creator of Harry Potter)

Thank you JK Rowling, for everything.

Harry Potter will be a legend.